


http://bjrcscbwh.cn  2012-7-26 14:48:47  來源:中國法學(xué)會網(wǎng)

  1.三網(wǎng)融合視野下刑事立法的調(diào)整方向(于志剛 中國政法大學(xué) 刑事司法學(xué)院,北京 100088)
  Subject:The Adjust Direction of Criminal Legislation under the Perspective of Network Convergence
  Author & unit:YU Zhigang (China University of Political Science and Law, BeiJing 100088,China)
  Abstract:The network convergence led “three screen in one”, which has brought great convenience to our lives. However, the new types and new patterns of crime also bring special challenges to the criminal law theory, the criminal legislation and the judicial. The traditional idea of amplified interpretation does not solve the problem fundamentally, so the positive response to the alienation of traditional crime should on the level of criminal legislation.
  Key words:network convergence;cybercrime;amplified interpretation;three screen syncretism

  2.以刑罰威嚇誹謗、詆毀、謠言?——論刑罰權(quán)對網(wǎng)絡(luò)有害信息傳播的干預(yù)程度(時延安 中國人民大學(xué) 刑事法律科學(xué)研究中心,北京 100872)
  Subject:Deterring the Defamation, Humiliation, Rumor with Criminal Penalty?——The Intervention of Criminal Justice on the Dissemination of Deleterious Information on Web
  Author & unit:SHI Yan’an(Law School, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China)
  Abstract:To regulate the dissemination of deleterious information on web should be under the spirit of rule of law.  Deferent types of disseminating behaviors should be treated by different ways according to who they affect and whose interests will be violated. The issue of legitimacy of the power of criminal penalty should be considered in the intervention of such power on the dissemination of deleterious information. Only when a objective interest protected by law or recognized by the public is harmed or seriously dangered by such information, the appearance of the power of criminal penalty could be legitimate. The liberty of speech should be guaranteed in the process of the intervention of such power.
  Key words:deleterious information on web; appearance of the power of criminal penalty; legitimacy; liberty of speech

  3.網(wǎng)絡(luò)背景下刑事立法的修正(鄭延譜 北京師范大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,北京 100875)
  Subject:The Revision of Criminal Law in Perspective of Cybercrimes
Author & unit:ZHENG Yanpu(Law School, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
  Abstract:The cyber world, independent of real world, is fictitious and open, which makes it has its own characteristic. As it is hard to regulate and punish cybercrimes only by interpreting traditional articles, it is better to revise criminal law by way of “gradual litigation”.  The measures are as follows: to protect virtual objects by criminal law by broadly interpreting property; to introduce the theory of “One-sided accomplice” into criminal law while cybercrimes are always open and transnational; to adjust the principle of criminal jurisdiction, to participate bilateral and international treaties, to strengthen international judicial assistance, thus to strike the Increasingly rampant cybercrimes.
  Key words:cybercrime;fictitiousness;one-sided accomplice;property

  4.區(qū)域經(jīng)濟一體化法制研究的參照系(葉必豐 上海交通大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,上海 200240) 
  關(guān)鍵詞:區(qū)域經(jīng)濟一體化;法制協(xié)調(diào);美國州際法治協(xié)調(diào);參照系;法解釋 
  Subject:The Frame of Reference for Legal Study of Regional Economic Integration
  Author & unit:YE Bifeng(Law School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200240,China) Abstract:The Scientificity of the legal research in regional economic integration depends on its researching method, which is the scientificity of how to choose a frame of reference. The now existing frames of reference include international private law scheme, the European Union scheme and the Inter-State legal coordination scheme in the U.S. Nevertheless, the Inter-State legal coordination scheme shall be our best choice for many reasons, like the consistency of the function of the frame of reference with the tasks waiting for accomplishment, the environmental similarities of the frame of reference, and the advancement of the conceptions. The Inter-State legal coordination scheme focuses on respecting the current constitutional framework, and taking full advantage of legal resources by law interpretation. Therefore, it shall be our preferred scheme when researching legal issues in regional economic integration. If the systematic needs still could not be satisfied on condition of fully use of law interpretation and exhausting utilization of written law resources, we could certainly enact a unified statute like what Spain has done. 
  Key words:regional economic integration; legal coordination; the frame of reference; law interpretation

  5.分權(quán)、政府間競爭與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展——概念、邏輯及其批評(程金華 華東政法大學(xué) 國際金融法律學(xué)院,上海 201620)
  Subject:Decentralization, Intergovernmental Competition, and Economic Growth: A critical review
  Author & unit:CHENG Jinhua (East China University of Political Science,Shanghai 201620,China)
  Abstract:There has been an increasing interest in promoting decentralization research and reform in the last three decades all over the world. This essay reviews this academic and practical tendency critically. It clarifies the definition and classification of decentralization, examines historical and theoretical origins of modern proposition of decentralization for economic growth, and points out many potential methodological problems in the contemporary literature of decentralization reform. This review finds that while decentralization reform has been widely supported by scholars, politicians, and international organizations (such as the World Bank), whether decentralization is truly able to promote long-term economic growth through introducing intergovernmental competition is empirically inconclusive. In the contemporary studies of decentralization for economic growth, including the famous thesis of “market-preserving federalism,” students make too many strong institutional assumptions to find right causation between decentralization and economic growth. 
  Key words:decentralization; intergovernmental competition; federalism; market building; economic growth

  6.論跨地區(qū)水生態(tài)補償?shù)姆ㄖ茀f(xié)調(diào)機制——以新安江流域生態(tài)補償為中心的思考(徐  鍵 上海財經(jīng)大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,上海 200433)
  Subject:Legal Coordination Mechanism for the Eco-compensation of Across Boundaries
  Author & unit:XU Jian (Law School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433, China)
  Abstract:On the basis of beneficiary-pay principle, the eco-compensation of across boundaries means, the area of ecological protection gains compensation from the area of ecological benefit. The purpose of the eco-compensation is, coordinating the interest conflict between different areas and realizing the common objectives of ecological protection, with the interest drive mechanism, incentive mechanism and coordination mechanism. As an concrete form of governance across boundaries, the eco-compensation of across boundaries has two different model: dominating governance and regional cooperative governance. In practice, the implementation of these two models is not efficient. The eco-compensation mechanism of Xinanjiang River, combines the governance elements of voluntary and mandatory, and displays an effective legal cooperation mechanism of eco-compensation.
  Key words:eco-compensation; regional cooperation; financial transfer payment; legal coordination

  7.論我國憲法與社會主義核心價值體系建設(shè)——尋找當(dāng)代中國的共識基礎(chǔ)(李炳輝,周葉中武漢大學(xué) 政治與公共管理學(xué)院,湖北武漢 430072;武漢大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,湖北武漢 430072)
  Subject:On the Construction of Socialist Core Value System about China’s Constitution
  Author & unit:Li Binghui,ZHOU Yezhong(Wuhan University,Wuhan Hubei 430072,China)
  Abstract:The construction of the socialist core value system is an important subject of today in modern China, whose purpose is to structure a new contemporary consensus in the whole society. This consensus should be realized by the implementation of constitution. The consensus which implicated in constitution is the base of social values, and a lot of constitutional norms themselves are consistent with socialist core value. More importantly, only the realization of several constitutional values can provide a firm foundation for the construction of the socialist core value system. Therefore, the implementation of constitution is essential for the construction of the socialist core value system.
  Key words:the socialist core value system; constitutional consensus; constitutional values; the implementation of constitution

  8.論作為基礎(chǔ)區(qū)分概念的營利(李政輝 浙江財經(jīng)學(xué)院 法學(xué)院,浙江杭州 310018)
  Subject:On Profit, as A Fundamental Divisive Concept
  Author & unit:LI Zhenghui(Law School, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310018 China)
  Abstract:The research paradigm of social science has changed from dichotomous of “Country-Society” to tracheotomy of “Country-Civil Society-Market”, which puts forward to the transformation of Legal System. Profit is the key concept to distinguish the organizations existing in Country, Civil Society and Market. The connotation of profit has three aspects: the profit purpose, the profit activities and the profit distribution that has integrated content including subjective and objective meanings. Using the connotation of profit to analyze the different sections, Country is the absolute non-profit, Civil Society as relative non-profit and Market as typical profit. Basing on such classification, the Legal System should give systematic response, applying profit as standard to the organizations.
  Key words:profit; connotation of profit; classification of legal organizations

  9.論我國著作權(quán)法律制度的內(nèi)部協(xié)調(diào)(劉  潔 中國社會科學(xué)院 法學(xué)所,北京 100720)
  Subject:On the Interal Coordination of Our Copyright Legal System
  Author & unit:LIU Jie(Post-doctoral Station,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100720,China)
  Abstract:In China’s copyright legal system, neighboring rights exsit which are different from the copyright. But both right objects can’t be distinguished clearly. It causes the copyright legal system incoordinate. In this paper, after analysizing the legal relationship of copyright and neghboring rights, it is thought that two of them are distinguished because the material difference original standard of work in copyright system and the author right system . Regarding the original standard as the final point, the paper demonstrates that the objects’ attribute of copyright and neghboring rights could be unity.It is profitable to coordinate copyright legal system.
  Key words:right objects; originality; interal coordination
  10.利益衡量及其理論的反思——一個經(jīng)濟分析的視角(張偉強 山東大學(xué)威海分校 法學(xué)院,山東威海 264209)
  關(guān)鍵詞:利益衡量;經(jīng)濟分析; 法官裁量;司法理論
  Subject:An Economic Introspection on Interest Balancing and It’s Theory
  Author & unit:ZHANG Weiqiang(Law School, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai Shandong 264209,China)
  Abstract:The interest balancing theory points out that the judge has to do substantive discretion and should also do some interest balancing in some cases. But this theory couldn’t provide effective standards and knowledge for substantial discretion. The relevant standards or theory not only lack the maneuverability, but also shield the truth. It could lead judge to be in a dilemma and make wrong choices. In contrast, economic analysis can help judge to consider different general social consequences of different choices, and provide more effective knowledge and standards to predict and evaluate the consequences.
  Key words:interest balancing; economic analysis; judge discretion; judicial theory

  11.“臨終關(guān)懷”的法律之維——法理基礎(chǔ)、憲法依據(jù)與實體法規(guī)制(尤金亮 安徽醫(yī)科大學(xué) 人文學(xué)院,安徽合肥 230032)
  Subject:Viewpoint  of  Law  on  Hospice—— the Jurisprudence Basis, Constitutional According and Substantive Law Regulating of Hospice
  Author & unit:YOU Jinliang(Law Department, Anhui Medical University, HeFei AnHui 230032,China)
  Abstract:Hospice is a form of  medical treatment which provide the patients with palliative care, rather than therapeutic care, and focused on how to reduce pain, rather than prolonging life . The inherent requirement of modern human rights idea, the properly protection for the vulnerable groups according to The Social Contract theory, and the beneficial value of law are the jurisprudence of hospice . Hospice has fully constitutional basis. Hospice must be operated legally in order to ensure the right of the patients. In criminal law, hospice belongs to “proper behavior”, but we must prevent crimes of abandonment and the crime of homicide of negative form in the disguise of hospice, and prevent other crimes which maybe happened in the operation of hospice . In civil law, we should regulate decision subject , implement conditions and operating procedures of hospice.
  Key words:hospice; Legal basis; Constitutional basis; Substantive law guarantee

  12.利用影響力受賄罪若干問題解讀(楊俊 華東政法大學(xué) 博士后流動站,上海 200042)
  Subject:The Decoding about Some Problems on Bribery Crime of Influence
  Author & unit:YANG  Jun(East China University of Political Science and Law,ShangHai 200042,China)
  Abstract:The article 388 of the penal code is a legal provision about bribery crime
of influence,this legal provisions root in the incremental stipulation of the article 13 of the amendment Ⅶ to the criminal law,which wish to preventing and punishing bribe crimes sharply. Especially this legal provisions is directed against the status that those non-governmental office-holders(some “people around governmental office-holders” and leaving state personnel and people around them)are running away from justice after they asking for bribe or taking bribe owing to the vacancy of legal system,there are improvements on legislatives accordingly. However,it should be thought  over bribery crime of influence join and coordinate with other bribe crimes after augmenting the charge. It’s necessary that decoding  charge definition,subject scope,behavioral feature and judicial application on bribery crime of influence deeply.
  Key words:the article 388 of the penal code;bribery crime of influence;charge definition;subject scope;behavioral feature;judicial application

  13.土地征收補償標(biāo)準的法經(jīng)濟學(xué)解讀——兼論《物權(quán)法》第42條第2款及第132條之適用(郭繼 淮陰師范學(xué)院 法學(xué)院,江蘇淮安 223300)
  Subject:The Compensation Standard of Land Expropriation Law Economics Analysis——on the “property law” in forty-second paragraphs 2 and132shall apply
  Author & unit:GUO ji(Law school,Huaiyin  Normal University,Huaian  Jiangsu 223300,China)
  Abstract:The current law does not stipulate the collective land ownership and management right of the contracting of land collection compensation standard, to the “property law” in forty-second paragraphs 2 and132of the applicable brought bewilderment. Because of many factors, the collective land requisition should take “two parts” compensation model based on the analysis of law and economics; not set, the land contract management right under the assumption of the ownership of collective land expropriation, shall be based on the market equilibrium price as compensation standard; the family contracted management rights in the land expropriation should be respectively using the annual average value job training standards, farmers, social security of dweller standard as their income, employment and social security function impairment compensation standards; other contractual operation right of land expropriation should be deferred loss of revenue as compensation standards; were considered not set the contractual operation right of land collective ownership of land expropriation compensation standard and the contracted management rights in the land expropriation compensation standard, are determined to set the land contracting management right of land collective ownership acquisition compensation standard.
  Key words:collective ownership of land; right to contract for management of land expropriation compensation standard; law and economics

  14.農(nóng)村住房及宅基地流轉(zhuǎn)制度研究(毛維國 山東農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)  馬克思主義學(xué)院,山東泰安 271018)
  Subject:Studies on the Houses of Village and Exchange System of Housing
  Author & unit:MAO Weiguo (Shandong Agricultural University, Taian Shandong,271018,China)
  Abstract:The problems of the houses of village and the  housing constitute a major subject of the village’ three problems. A number of houses and housing have been wasted due to a long strong contradiction between the belongings of the private houses and the collective housing, never resolving  the problems of the houses of village and the  housing, affecting the development of village’s economy seriously. So,it is an important meaning to reform and create a new system of houses and housing of the villages, establish the houses of village and exchange system of housing and fasten the harmonious development of the village.
  Key words:village;house;housing;exchange system;belongings

  15.論因第三人欺詐或脅迫而訂立合同的效力(冉克平 中國人民大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,北京 100872)
  Subject:On Due to Fraud or Coercion of a Third Person Entered into Validity of the Contract
  Author & unit:RAN Keping(Law School, Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China)
  Abstract:Party due to fraud or coercion of the third person, and the validity of the contract entered into relative concentration of performance for that party, the conflict of interest between the relative and the third person.Where the “third person” is not any person other than the party with the relative, but subject to certain limitations. Validity of the Dutch Civil Code should be adopted for the effectiveness of a party by a third party fraud or duress to enter into a contract on behalf of the mode, the counterpart knows or should know that the party of the contract by a third party fraud or duress fact, as the contract party to revoke the conditions of the contract. If you suffer from fraud or duress a party by the loss, may require the third party assumes the tort liability, and compensation for all losses.
  Key words:contract;fraud;coercion;the third person;trust principle;transaction security

  16.非法證據(jù)為何難以有效排除——兼及中國非法證據(jù)排除的未來(郭松 四川大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,四川成都 610064)
  摘要:既往的研究太多從非法證據(jù)排除規(guī)則粗疏這一制度層面解釋非法證據(jù)難以有效排除的原因,但這并不充分。從結(jié)果層面而言,非法證據(jù)沒有被排除在很大程度上意味著被采納。對非法證據(jù)難以有效排除的研究必須深入解析法官采納非法證據(jù)的內(nèi)在原因。法官證據(jù)運用的形式主義化、刑法的主觀主義傾向以及司法實務(wù)部門對證明力規(guī)則的過度追求等因素,是誘發(fā)法官采納非法證據(jù)的重要原因,并由此造成了非法證據(jù)難以有效排除。在非法證據(jù)排除的問題上,我們不能僅限于非法證據(jù)排除規(guī)則的完善,還需將證據(jù)信息的供給、刑事實體法的調(diào)整、證明方法的轉(zhuǎn)換以及證據(jù)能力規(guī)則的建設(shè)等均納入視野。 
  Subject:Why Illegal Evidence Can Not Be Excluded Effectively——The Future of China’s Illegal Evidence Exclusion
  Author & unit:GUO Song(Law School,Sichuan University,Chengdu Sichuan 61004,China)
  Abstract:Previous studies mainly explained the reasons why illegal evidence could not be effectively excluded from institutional level of crude illegal evidence exclusion rule. However, the explanations are not sufficient. From the level of results, non-excluded illegal evidence means illegal evidence is adopted to a large extent. Studies on why illegal evidence can not be excluded effectively should deeply analyze the inner reasons why judges adopt illegal evidence. The formalism of evidence use by judges, the subjectivism’s tendency of criminal law, the excessive seeking for probative force rules by substantive justice departments and other factors are the important reasons induce judges to adopt illegal evidence, which results in that illegal evidence is difficult to be excluded effectively. Therefore, as for the regulation of illegal evidence exclusion, we should not only improve illegal evidence exclusion rule, but also consider the supply of evidence information, the adjustment of substantive criminal law, the conversion of proof methods and the construction of evidence capacity rules.
  Key words:illegal evidence exclusion;formalism of evidence use;subjectivism of criminal law;probative force rules

  17.最高人民法院的司法文件:現(xiàn)狀、問題與前景(黃韜 上海交通大學(xué) 凱原法學(xué)院,上海 200240)
  Subject:The Judicial Document of Chinese Supreme People''s Court: Status, Problems and Prospects
  Author & unit:HUANG Tao ( KoGuan Law School,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
  Abstract:Besides formulating judicial interpretation, Chinese Supreme People''s Court instructs and even binds the activities of legal application of the courts at all levels by issuing various kinds of abstractive judicial documents. On the one hand, this phenomena can be regarded as an exertion of the Supreme Court to achieve the goal of uniformity of legal system, but on the other hand, some negative factors that impedes the progress of China''s judicial system can also be observed and these factors ought to be concerned and solved effectively in the process of judicial reform.
  Key words:chinese supreme people''s court; judicial document; judicial reform

  18.檢察機關(guān)提起民事公益訴訟之權(quán)力解析及程序構(gòu)建(何燕 煙臺大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,山東煙臺 264005)
  Subject:The Power analysis on the Prosecution filied Civil Public Interest Litigation and program construction
  Author & unit:HE Yan(Law School,Yantai University,Yantai 264005,China)
  Abstract:China''s prosecutorial power is a complex type of power.meaning The two main powers is the right of legal supervision and the right of public indictment. but these two powers can not be compatibility in essence. The right of prosecutor organization filed Public interest litigation comes from its’ public indictment power. The system of civil public interest litigation filed by People''s Procurator should make the clear understanding of the indictment functions in the Constitution firstly, and then identified the people''s Procuratorate organization “prosecutor” status and set up the special procedure in “The People''s Procuratorate Organization law” and “Civil Procedure Law” according to this.
  Key words:prosecutorial power; the right of legal supervision; public indictment; civil public interest litigation;program construction

  19.論過度醫(yī)療侵權(quán)行為及其法律規(guī)制(王安富 大連醫(yī)科大學(xué) 公共衛(wèi)生學(xué)院,遼寧大連 116044)
  關(guān)鍵詞:過度醫(yī)療; 過度醫(yī)療侵權(quán)行為; 法律規(guī)制
  Subject:On Excessive Medical Treatment Tort and Its Legal Regulation
  Author & unit:WANG Anfu(School of Public Health, Dalian Medical University, Dalian Liaoning 116044, China)
  Abstract:Excessive medical treatment generally refers to a medical act or process in which the unnecessary diagnosis and treatment measures adopted by doctors on the disease of patients, which consequently causes medical expenses to obviously exceed its actual need. The key of certifying excessive medical treatment lies in a demarcation line between excessive medical treatment and appropriate medical treatment it should be strictly distinguished from protective and preventive medical treatment. Legally, excessive medical treatment is a special civil tort in the process of medical treatment. It is an act in the process of which medical institutions and doctors illegally implement unnecessary diagnosis and treatment measures in order to gain some economic interests, thus causing the obvious damages of patients and their properties for which they are to take legal liabilities. Excessive medical tort is attributed in view of the presumption of fault. In legislation, Tort Liability Law limits excessive medical treatment to “the implementation of unnecessary examinations”, which is not sufficient to protect the legal rights of patients. Accordingly, it deserves extended explanation in legislation.
  Key words:excessive medical treatment; excessive medical tort; legal regulations

  20.損害賠償額之酌定:基于訴訟公平的考量(黃毅 西南大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,重慶 400715)
  Subject:The Discretionary of Damages: A Consideration Based on Fairness of Litigation
  Author & unit:HUANG Yi (Law school, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
  Abstract:The judge will reject the plaintiffs’ claim because they are difficult or failed to prove the amount of compensation, even though the damage facts are obvious, which is not in accordance with the equity and justice of litigation. To eliminate the problems of unfairness associated with strict proof, Germany, Japan and some other countries have established a system in theory and legislation practice, which the judge has the power to make discretionary awards. We should ascertain the meaning?of the?concept in theory is discretion, not accreditation when the system introduced into China. And the essence of this system should adopt lighten the standard of proof theory. We should clarify applicable condition and adopt proper method in practice.
  Key words:Discretionary of damages; Lightening the proof standard; Fairness of litigation

  20.調(diào)解興衰與當(dāng)代中國法院政治功能的變遷——以《最高人民法院工作報告》(1981年-2010年)為對象(鄭智航 山東大學(xué) 法學(xué)院,山東濟南 250100)
  Subject:The Ebb and the Flow of Mediate and Changes of the Political Function of People Court Author & unit:ZHENG Zhihang(Law School,Shandong university,Jinan Shandong 250100,China)
  Abstract:Since 1980,the  mediate system has gone through the  process of the ebb and the flow. In the process, at first, court emphasized the function of mediate; Some years past,it has more and more emphasized  that people use mediate according to their voluntary. In recent years, it considers   that mediate has precedence over judgment. At the first stage, court undertook to mobilize people to participate in the socialist cause and legal modernization. At the second stage, court has the Political Function that it strengthens the basic direction of the socialist cause and legal modernization. At the third stage, court must to resume people’s faith of socialist cause and legal modernization.
  Key words:Mediate; Court; Political function; Political mobilize; legal modernization


日期:2012-7-26 14:48:47 | 關(guān)閉 |  分享到:
