
  • 法律圖書館

  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • 中華人民共和國外國企業(yè)所得稅法(附英文)

    1. 【頒布時間】1981-12-13
    2. 【標題】中華人民共和國外國企業(yè)所得稅法(附英文)
    3. 【發(fā)文號】
    4. 【失效時間】1991-1-1
    5. 【頒布單位】全國人民代表大會
    6. 【法規(guī)來源】全國人民代表大會常務委員會公報1981年

    7. 【法規(guī)全文】






    中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長令(五屆第13號) (附英文)


    委員長 葉劍英

    (1981年12月13日第五屆全國人民代表大會第四次會議通過 1981年12月13日全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長令第十三號公布 自1982年1月1日起施行)

    第一條 在中華人民共和國境內,外國企業(yè)的生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營所得和其它所得,都按照本法的規(guī)定繳納所得稅。
    第二條 外國企業(yè)每一納稅年度的收入總額,減除成本、費用以及損失后的余額,為應納稅的所得額。
    第三條 外國企業(yè)的所得稅,按應納稅的所得額超額累進計算,稅率如下:
    第四條 外國企業(yè)按照前條規(guī)定繳納所得稅的同時,應當另按應納稅的所得額繳納百分之十的地方所得稅。
    第五條 從事農業(yè)、林業(yè)、牧業(yè)等利潤率低的外國企業(yè),經(jīng)營期在十年以上的,經(jīng)企業(yè)申請,稅務機關批準,從開始獲利的年度起,第一年免征所得稅,第二年和第三年減半征收所得稅。
    第六條 外國企業(yè)發(fā)生年度虧損,可以從下一年度的所得中提取相應的數(shù)額彌補;下一年度的所得額不足彌補的,可以逐年提取所得繼續(xù)彌補,但是最長不得超過五年。
    第七條 外國企業(yè)繳納所得稅,按年計算,分季預繳。每季在季度終了后十五日內預繳;每年在年度終了后五個月內,匯算清繳,多退少補。
    第八條 外國企業(yè)應當在每次預繳所得稅的期限內,向當?shù)囟悇諜C關報送預繳所得稅申報表;年度終了后四個月內,報送年度所得稅申報表和會計決算報表。
    第九條 外國企業(yè)的財務、會計制度,應當報送當?shù)囟悇諜C關備查。
    第十條 外國企業(yè)依法開業(yè)、停業(yè),應當持有關證件向當?shù)囟悇諜C關辦理稅務登記。
    第十一條 外國公司、企業(yè)和其它經(jīng)濟組織,在中國境內沒有設立機構而有來源于中國的股息、利息、租金、特許權使用費和其它所得,應當繳納百分之二十的所得稅。稅款由支付單位在每次支付的款額中扣繳。
    第十二條 稅務機關有權對外國企業(yè)的財務、會計和納稅情況進行檢查;有權對扣繳義務人代扣代繳稅款情況進行檢查。外國企業(yè)和扣繳義務人必須據(jù)實報告,并提供有關資料,不得拒絕或隱瞞。
    第十三條 外國企業(yè)的所得稅以人民幣為計算單位。所得為外國貨幣的,按照中華人民共和國國家外匯管理總局公布的外匯牌價折合成人民幣繳納稅款。
    第十四條 外國企業(yè)和扣繳義務人必須按照規(guī)定的期限,繳納稅款。逾期不繳的,稅務機關除限期繳納外,從滯納之日起,按日加收滯納稅款的千分之五的滯納金。
    第十五條 外國企業(yè)違反本法第八條、第九條、第十條、第十二條規(guī)定的,稅務機關可以酌情處以罰金。
    第十六條 外國企業(yè)同稅務機關在納稅問題上發(fā)生爭議時,必須先按照規(guī)定納稅,然后再向上級稅務機關申請復議。如果不服復議后的決定,可以向當?shù)厝嗣穹ㄔ禾崞鹪V訟。
    第十七條 中華人民共和國政府和外國政府之間訂有稅收協(xié)定的,按照協(xié)定的規(guī)定辦理。
    第十八條 本法的施行細則,由中華人民共和國財政部制定。
    第十九條 本法自1982年1月1日起施行。

    1. 中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會常務委員會委員長令(五屆第13號)

    1. 關于《中華人民共和國外國企業(yè)所得稅法草案》的說明

    2. 中華人民共和國第五屆全國人民代表大會法案委員會關于三個法律草案的審查報告

    (Adopted at the Fourth Session of the Fifth National People'sCongress on December 13, 1981)

    Whole Doc.

    Article 1
    Income tax shall be levied in accordance with this Law on the income
    derived from production, business and other sources of any foreign
    enterprise operating in the People's Republic of China.
    "Foreign enterprises" mentioned in this law refer, with the exception
    of those for whom separate provisions are stipulated in Article 11, to
    foreign companies, enterprises and other economic organizations which have
    establishments in the People's Republic of China engaged in independent
    business operation or co-operative production or joint business operation
    with Chinese enterprises.
    Article 2
    The taxable income of a foreign enterprise shall be the net income in
    a tax year after deduction of costs, expenditures and losses in that year.
    Article 3
    Income tax on foreign enterprises shall be assessed at progressive
    rates for the parts in excess of a specific amount of taxable income. The
    tax rates are as follows:
    Range of income Tax rate
    (per cent)
    Annual income below 250,000 yuan . . 20
    That part of annual income above 250,000
    and up to 500,000 yuan . . . . . . 25
    That part of annual income above 500,000
    and up to 750,000 yuan . . . . . . 30
    That part of annual income above 750,000
    and up to 1,000,000 yuan . . . . . 35
    That part of annual income above 1,000,000
    yuan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
    Article 4
    In addition to the income tax levied on foreign enterprises in
    accordance with the provisions of the preceding article a local income tax
    of 10 per cent of the same taxable income shall be levied.
    Where a foreign enterprise needs reduction in, or exemption from
    local income tax on account of the small scale of its production or
    business, or its rate of profit, this shall be decided by the people's
    government of the province, municipality or autonomous region in which
    that enterprise is located.

    Article 5
    A foreign enterprise scheduled to operate for a period of 10 years or
    more in farming, forestry, animal husbandry or other low- profit
    occupations may, upon approval by the tax authorities of an application
    filed by the enterprise, be exempted from income tax in the first
    profit-making year and allowed a 50 per cent reduction in the second and
    third years.
    With the approval of the Ministry of Finance, a 15 to 30 per cent
    reduction in income tax may be allowed for a period of 10 years following
    the expiration of the term for exemptions and reductions specified in the
    preceding paragraph.
    Article 6
    Losses incurred by a foreign enterprise in a tax year may be carried
    over to the next year and made up with a matching amount drawn from that
    year's income. Should the income in the subsequent tax year be
    insufficient to make up for the said losses, the balance may be made up
    with further deductions against income year by year over a period not
    exceeding five years.
    Article 7
    Income tax on foreign enterprises shall be levied on an annual basis
    and paid in quarterly installments.
    Such provisional payments shall be made within 15 days after the end
    of each quarter. The final settlement shall be made within five months
    after the end of a tax year. Excess payments shall be refunded by the tax
    authorities or deficiencies made good by the taxpayer.
    Article 8
    Foreign enterprises shall file their provisional income tax returns
    with the local tax authorities within the period prescribed for
    provisional payments. The taxpayer shall file its final annual income tax
    return together with its final accounts within four months after the end
    of the tax year.
    Article 9
    The method of financial management and the system of accounting of
    foreign enterprises shall be submitted to local tax authorities for
    Where the method of financial management and the system of accounting
    of foreign enterprises are in contradiction with the provisions of the Tax
    Law, tax payments shall be assessed according to the provisions of the Tax
    Article 10
    Foreign enterprises shall present relevant certificates to the local
    tax authorities for tax registration when they go into operation or close
    down in accordance with law.

    Article 11
    A 20% income tax shall be levied on the income obtained from
    dividends, interest, rentals, royalties and other resources in China by
    foreign companies, enterprises and other economic organizations which have
    no establishments in China. Such tax shall be withheld by the paying unit
    in each of its payments.
    For the payment of income tax according to the provisions in the
    preceding paragraph, the foreign companies, enterprises and other economic
    organizations which earn the income shall be the taxpayer, and the paying
    unit shall be the withholding agent. Taxes withheld on each payment by a
    withholding agent shall, within five days, be turned over to the State
    Treasury and the income tax return submitted to the tax authorities.
    Income from interest on loans given to the Chinese Government or
    China's state banks by international finance organizations shall be
    exempted from income tax. Income from interest on loans given at a
    preferential interest rate by foreign banks to China's state banks shall
    also be exempted from income tax.
    Income derived from interest on deposits of foreign banks in China's
    state banks and on loans given at a normal interest rate by foreign banks
    to China's state banks shall be taxed. However, exemption from income tax
    shall be granted to those foreign banks in whose countries income from
    interest on deposits and loans of China's state banks is exempted from
    income tax.
    Article 12
    The tax authorities have the right to investigate the financial
    affairs, account books and tax situation of any foreign enterprise, and
    have the right to investigate the withholding situation of any withholding
    agent. Such foreign enterprises and withholding agents must make reports
    on fact and provide all relevant information and shall not refuse to
    co-operate or conceal any facts.
    Article 13
    Income tax levied on foreign enterprises shall be computed in terms
    of Renminbi (RMB). Income in foreign currency shall be assessed according
    to the exchange rate quoted by the State General Administration of
    Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China and taxed in Renminbi.
    Article 14
    Foreign enterprises and withholding agents must pay their tax within
    the prescribed time limit. In case of failure to pay within the prescribed
    time limit, the appropriate tax authorities, in addition to setting a new
    time limit for tax payment, shall surcharge overdue payments at one half
    of one per cent of the overdue tax for every day in arrears, starting from
    the first day of default.

    Article 15
    The tax authorities may, acting at their discretion, impose a penalty
    on any foreign enterprise which has violated the provisions of Article 8,
    9, 10 and 12 of this Law.
    In dealing with those withholding agents who have violated the
    provisions of Article 11 of this Law, the tax authorities may, in addition
    to setting a new time limit for the payment of the part of tax that should
    have been withheld and, at their discretion, impose a penalty of not more
    than the amount that should have been withheld.
    In dealing with foreign enterprises which have evaded or refused to
    pay income tax, the tax authorities may, in addition to pursuing the tax,
    impose a fine of not more than five times the amount of tax underpaid or
    not paid, according to how serious the offence is. Cases of gross
    violation shall be handled by the local people's courts according to law.
    Article 16
    In case of disputes with tax authorities about tax payment, foreign
    enterprises must pay tax according to the relevant regulations first
    before applying to higher tax authorities for reconsideration. If they do
    not accept the decisions made after such reconsideration, they can bring
    the matter before the local people's courts.
    Article 17
    Where agreements on tax payment have been concluded between the
    Government of the People's Republic of China and the government of another
    country, matters concerning tax payment shall be handled in accordance
    with the provisions of these agreements.
    Article 18
    Detailed rules and regulations for the implementation of this Law
    shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of
    Article 19
    This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 1982.



      財政部副部長 謝明




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