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  • 新法規(guī)速遞

  • DSU系列論文之二:訴諸WTO爭端解決的申訴類型

    [ 劉成偉 ]——(2002-7-5) / 已閱17352次

    〖6〗 詳見BISD 37S/86/144。
    〖7〗 參見Thomas Cottier and Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, 'Non-Violation Complaints in WTO/GATT Dispute Settlement: Past, Present and Future', International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System (Petersmann Ed.), Kluwer Law International, London, 1997;第148頁。
    〖8〗 參見Frieder Roessler, 'The Concept of Nullification and Impairment in the Legal System of the World Trade Organization', International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System (Petersmann Ed.), Kluwer Law International, London, 1997;第133頁。
    〖9〗 詳見WT/DS135/AB/R/185。
    〖10〗 根據(jù)Japan-Film (DS44)一案專家組報告注釋1204,這8個案例分別是,Report of the Working Party on Australian Subsidy on Ammonium Sulphate, adopted on 3 April 1950, BISD II/188; Panel Report on Treatment by Germany of Imports of Sardines ("Germany - Sardines"), G/26, adopted on 31 October1952, BISD 1S/53; Uruguayan Recourse, adopted on 16 November 1962, BISD 11S/95; Panel Report on EC - Tariff Treatment on Imports of Citrus Products from Certain Countries in the Mediterranean Region ("EC - Citrus Products"), GATT Doc. L/5576, dated 7 February 1985 (unadopted); Panel Report on EEC - Production Aids Granted on Canned Peaches, Canned Pears, Canned Fruit Cocktail and Dried Grapes ("EEC - Canned Fruit"), GATT Doc. L/5778, dated 20 February 1985 (unadopted); Japan - Semi-conductors, adopted on 4 May 1988, BISD 35S/116; EEC - Oilseeds, adopted on 25 January 1990, BISD 37S/86; United States - Agricultural Waiver, adopted on 7 November 1990, BISD 37S/228. 而在EC-Asbestos(DS135)一案中,上訴機構在其報告(2001年3月12日作出)的注釋188指出,下列案件的報告審查了根據(jù)第XXIII:1(b)條的權利主張:Working Party Report, Australia - Ammonium Sulphate; Panel Report, Germany - Sardines; Panel Report, Uruguayan Recourse to Article XXIII, adopted 16 November 1962, BISD 11S/95; Panel Report, Spain - Soyabean; Panel Report, European Community - Tariff Treatment on Imports of Citrus Products from Certain Countries in the Mediterranean Region ("EC - Citrus Products"), L/5776, 7 February 1985, unadopted; Panel Report, European Economic Community - Production Aids Granted on Canned Peaches, Canned Pears, Canned Fruit Cocktail and Dried Grapes ("EEC - Canned Fruit"), L/5778, 20 February 1985, unadopted; Panel Report, Japan - Trade in Semi-Conductors, adopted 4 May 1988, BISD 35S/116; Panel Report, United States- Trade Measures Affecting Nicaragua, L/6053, 13 October 1986, unadopted; Panel Report, EEC - Oilseeds; Panel Report, United States -Restrictions on the Importation of Sugar and Sugar-Containing Products Applied under the 1955 Waiver and under the Headnote to the Schedule of Tariff Concessions, adopted 7 November 1990, BISD 37S/228; Panel Report, Japan - Film, WT/DS44/R, adopted 22 April 1998, WT/DS44/R; Panel Report, Korea - Measures Affecting Government Procurement, WT/DS163/R, adopted 19 June 2000. 上訴機構注意到,根據(jù)GATT 1947第 XXIII:1(b)條的權利主張也被下面的專家組報告所審查,即European Economic Community - Follow-up on the Panel Report, Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins ("EEC - Oilseeds II"), 31 March 1992, BISD 39S/91, unadopted.包括EEC - Oilseeds II以及目前上訴機構所審查的本案為止,上訴機構認為,有14個案件中根據(jù)第 XXIII:1(b)條的權利主張被工作組、專家組以及上訴機構所審查。而在這些案件中,有六個案件中權利主張取得了成功,而這其中有三次報告被通過。這些成功的主張是在下列案件中:Australia - Ammonium Sulphate (adopted 3 April 1950), Germany - Sardines (adopted 31 October 1952), EC - Citrus Products (unadopted), EEC - Canned Fruit (unadopted), EEC - Oilseeds (adopted 25 January 1990) and EEC - Oilseeds II (unadopted)。
    〖11〗 詳見WT/DS44/R/10.36。
    〖12〗 詳見WT/DS44/R/10.37。
    〖13〗 參見Frieder Roessler, 'The Concept of Nullification and Impairment in the Legal System of the World Trade Organization', International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System, Kluwer Law International, London, 1997;第139-140頁。

    經(jīng)過近一年來累計千余小時的潛心研習及反復修改,作者于近日終于完成了The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: an Analysis of the DSU in Positivism一書的初稿創(chuàng)作。為及時求教于有關專家學者并共商于諸位網(wǎng)友,對該書原稿,作者經(jīng)過大副刪減而節(jié)選其精要后,對其進行了適當編修并加以認真譯校,現(xiàn)以系列論文的形式向諸位網(wǎng)友推出。作者計劃于2002年7月份分5批次陸續(xù)推出該系列論文。本批次(第一批)作者節(jié)選了該書稿第二章(Nullification or Impairment: Foundations and Causes of Action before the DSB)之精要,推出系列論文之一至之三。作者擬于下一批次節(jié)選書稿第三章(Initiation of Panel Procedures)加以認真譯校并及時推出。敬請隨時關注并不吝賜教。作者聯(lián)系方式:E-mail: Genes@263.net; P.O.: 100872, 中國人民大學9-01碩士1班。

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