[ 劉秋蘇 ]——(2005-2-7) / 已閱26012次
*Abstract :First, this article elaborates the importance of studying administrative omission. Second, it discusses whether administrative omission’s subject is administrative body, whether its hypothesis is the counterparts’ application, whether its condition is the subject has legal duty, whether it is divided into legitimate and illegitimate, whether it is divided into procedural omission and substantial omission. Last, the author discusses its theoretical boundary .
*Key Words: Administrative omission;theoretical boundary; thought
劉秋蘇,男,1976年11月出生,江蘇豐縣人,漢族,1997年7月畢業(yè)于中國人民大學,現(xiàn)任江蘇省豐縣人民法院助理審判員,四級法官,江蘇省法學會會員。通訊地址:江蘇省豐縣人民法院, 郵編:221700,手機:(0)13655217887 ,電話:(0516)4219906 。
薛雨,男,1983年2月出生,江蘇豐縣人,漢族,蘇州大學法學院2004級憲法學與行政法學碩士研究生,研究方向:憲法學、行政法與行政訴訟法學。通訊地址:蘇州大學本部176信箱, 郵編:215006,手機:(0)13771878307 ,電話:(0512)67165264 。
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