[ 楊戩 ]——(2005-10-31) / 已閱18311次
[1] 馬克思。《政治經(jīng)濟學批判》導言[M]。《馬克思恩格斯選集》,第二卷。
[2] 這兩條的內(nèi)容分別是:《意見》第84條:財產(chǎn)已經(jīng)交付,但當事人約定財產(chǎn)所有權轉移附條件的,在所附條件成就時,財產(chǎn)所有權方為轉移!逗贤ā返134條:當事人可以在買賣合同中約定買受人未履行支付價款或其他義務的,標的物的所有權屬于出賣人。
[3] 林詠榮。動產(chǎn)擔保交易法新釋[M]。臺灣:三民書局,1993。
[4] (日)近江幸治。擔保物權法[M],祝婭等譯。法律出版社:2000。
[5] 尹田。法國物權法[M]。法律出版社:1998。
Probe on the property ownership reservation
Yang Jian
(Institute of Jiao Wu, Henan University ,Kaifeng 475001 ,China)
Abstract: The ownership reservation, an ancient system which originate form Rome, is subjected to the favor in the modern highly developed economic ages because of its forms of special removal ownership and the guarantee functions since entered the theories and fulfillments of our country. But there isn’t a unanimous theory on this system. In this test, writer make an introduction and carry on the critique to various theory that the current ownership reservation. According to this, put forward certain new theory about prepares to establish of ownership reservation. There are two sides about the property of ownership reservation in this article.
Key words: The ownership reservation The movable property guarantee Dualism
總共2頁 [1] 2