- 編號:15878
- 書名:美國侵權(quán)法(注釋本)(21世紀(jì)法學(xué)系列教材)
- 作者:[美]JOHNSON
- 出版社:中國人大
- 出版時間:2004年7月
- 入庫時間:2004-9-27
- 定價:32
Table ofCases I
Preface IX
Chapter 1: An Overview Of M0derrl TOn Liability 1
Chapter 2: Basic Intentional Torts 1 3
Chapter 3: Deflenses and Prl‘vileges 39
Chapter 4: Damages 53
Chapter 5: Negligenee;Basic Prciples 63
Chapter 6: Proving Negligence 87
Chapter 7: Factual CatlsatiOn 95
Chapter 8: Pfoximate Causatl’on 105
Chapter 9: Failure to Act 12l
Chapter lO: Premises Liability 133
Chapter 11: Negligent Infliction of Severe Emotional Distless 147
Chapter 12: Alcohol-Related Injuries 155
Chapter 13: TOrts InvolVing CorlceptiOn,Pregnancy,Birth alld AdOptiorl 159
Chapter 14: St—ct Liability 163
Chapter 15: Products Liability 17 l
Chapter 16:Defenses Based on Plaintiif`s Conduct 185
Chapter 17: Jojnt Tortfeasors 197
Chapter l 8: Immunities 209
Chapter 19: Statutes Of Ljmitations ~1 5
Chapter 20: Interference with Possession and Use of Land:
Trespass and Nul‘sance 219
Chapter 2l:Misrepresentation 23l
Chapter 22: Defamarion 249
Chapter 23: Ivasion Of Privacy 277