[ 段明學 ]——(2004-8-23) / 已閱47960次
指導教師:宋玉波 教授
作 者:段明學
---- [美]托馬斯·杰斐遜
內(nèi) 容 提 要
The political competition is a primary symbol of modern democratic politics. However, it has long been associated with capitalism, which in turn discourages us to study the subject or we may just disdain to study it .Actually, political competition as well as market economy does not connote class distinctions ,instead, it serves whoever making use it. It has become a compelling task for political studies by the twist of China’s political system to make a closer study of the political competition.
The following article consists of four parts. Part one studies the primary theories of political competition, in which the connotation of political competition and its main features, its principal theories and functions are discussed. Part two deals with western political competition, in which its historical background, the way it displays itself, its nature, characters and influences will be observed. Part three studies, with a historical perspective, the political competition in china, in which a rational analysis of past experience and why it rose and fell will be studies. The last but no t the least part intends to suggest that the political democratization in china depends much on political competition. In this part, much attention is focused on the relationship between political competition and democratic politics in china and on the compelling situation that china copes with on its way to political democratization.
The article combines theory and practice as well as history and reality .It aims to provide a new theoretical point of view for the political development of china through the detailed analysis.
目 錄
前言 1
第一部分 政治競爭一般理論 3
一、政治競爭的內(nèi)涵、特征 3
(一)政治競爭的涵義 3
(二)政治競爭的主要特征 5
二、關于政治競爭的學說 9
(一)熊彼特的競爭領導權理論 10
(二)薩托利的競爭――反饋理論 12
(三)戴蒙德對競爭學說的進一步修正 12
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